Thursday, September 18, 2014

Probiotics and Vitamin C Reduce Colds in Children

A new study confirms what the previous 20 studies have shown - that a combination of probiotics and vitamin C can reduce the incidence, duration, and intensity of colds and upper respiratory infections.

A new, six-month study on children ages 3-5 has shown that a combination of the human strain of probiotics - Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium - along with Vitamin C, can reduce the incidence of respiratory infections by 33%, and reduce missed school days by 30%.

In addition, there was a significant reduction in the use of antibiotics, nasal sprays, pain killers, and cough syrup. This is huge safety benefit as the drugs mentioned all come with dangerous side effects; some deaths have even occurred when using them.

There is also a massive reduction in cost, not only in monetary terms, but in missed school time for children, and missed work time for parents. So as you can see, there can be significant savings to be had by helping your body prevent and fight off illness on its own.

The widespread use of antibiotics has disrupted the normal, healthy flora that resides in the intestinal tract which, in addition to many other functions, is a large part of our immune system. As such, restoring this intestinal balance is important to our immune defense. The human strain of probiotics which is used in these studies, is available in products such as The Friendly Trio by Enerex Botanicals of Canada, a blend of the three major human strains of bacteria. Not only are these used in 30,000 hospitals and clinics around the world, but studies show they can effectively repopulate the friendly flora, thus reducing the incidence of infections.

Other studies conducted on probiotics show similar results for adults, as well in fighting off infections of all kinds, and improving our digestive system There is a good article on our digestive system that you should read.on the website It will help you understand the significance of a healthy digestive system to our overall health.

* Products listed here can be found at

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Europe Tries to Reduce Sugar Consumption

Europe has witnessed the health decline of the American population over the last several decades, and wants no part of following our footsteps. Our country does little to curb Obesity or Diabetes, while Cancer and Alzheimer's are on the rise. Europe is hoping to be more proactive.

The health agencies in Europe have been studying ways to cut down on sugar consumption, and some proposals are calling for sugar to be limited to 3% of the diet. (That is 3% of sugar added to foods, not naturally occurring sugar in fruits and such.) While an admirable goal, it is yet to be passed.

It is also interesting that many of the same ideas that are problematic here, are alive and well in Europe. The problem isn't just pure sugar; it is the consumption of processed foods, void of nutrition, and full of empty calories. The body processes simple carbohydrates in a very short amount of time and converts them to sugar, which then spikes our blood sugar and insulin levels.

By now, most people know that constantly elevating sugar levels destroy the beta cells in the pancreas. Elevated glucose levels in the bloodstream causes all sorts of damage to the eyes, nerves, and organs of the body. Nearly one out of three Americans has elevated blood sugar; this really needs to addressed before it becomes full-blown diabetes.

As blood sugar rises, so does the insulin levels, and that is tied to an increase risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attack. Elevated glucose and insulin levels are actually better indicators for heart attack and stroke risks than cholesterol levels.

The manufacturers in Europe are working on nano technology for sugar. The idea is they can spray nano sugar coating on foods. This requires less sugar to provide the sweet taste people crave. They are also tinkering with dissolving sugar in alcohol, and then letting it crystallize. This also allows for smaller amounts of sugar to be used in manufacturing.

Whether these ideas stem the obesity epidemic remains to be seen. It will also be interesting to see what happens in the body with the new, smaller sugar molecules, and how they impact blood glucose, absorption rates, and insulin.

The easiest solution, of course, is for the public to eat single-ingredient foods versus processed foods. That would help solve not only the obesity epidemic, but most of the diseases that come with it.

In the meantime, if you find you are one of the 100 million Americans with elevated blood sugar, you may find that humulones (a specialized Hops extract) are a big help. They can be found in a product called Diabetes Defense, manufactured by Pharma Defense. There are studies you may want to view at Cinnamon, nopal cactus, and several other botanicals have also shown promise, though not to the same extent as humulones.

The best defense against disease in general is to eat well, drink fresh clean water, take the 46 essential nutrients, and exercise. You can also read more about the keys to a healthy life at

* Products listed here can be found at