Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sinusitis Gets Help From Special Enzymes

Sinusitis is a tough and frustrating disease of the sinus cavities which causes trouble breathing, pain, severe headaches, difficulty sleeping, and a sore throat and cough. However, there may be help on the way in the form of special enzymes that can get to the root of the problem.

Sinusitis is typically caused by an infection, and as inflammation increases, the airways narrow and mucous forms. The heavier the mucous, the more difficult breathing becomes; it also becomes a place for irritants (such as pollen, pathogens, and pollutants) to get stuck. In the case of the pathogens, they may multiply - increasing infection possibilities.

Some doctors use antibiotics to treat sinusitis, although these will only treat a bacterial infection, not a viral infection which may have been the initial cause. The overuse of antibiotics has lead to severe, immune-resistant bacterial strains, that now kill people world-wide. Ergo, antibiotics may not be the best choice, and they do not address the inflammation or mucous problem.

There are several clinical trials on patients with sinusitis who used a special proteolytic enzyme...specifically, Serrapeptase by Enerex Botanicals of Canada, with the enzyme being serratia peptidase. In my opinion, and that of many users of Serrapeptase, a much safer approach is to try to address the troubling conditions caused by the sinusitis, and then let the body heal itself (assuming your immune system is working properly). 

The enzyme in Serrapeptase does several very beneficial things in the body. It digests and breaks down non-living tissue (fibrin), reduces swelling, and thins the mucous. Those three areas help improve the body's ability to attack any pathogens, rapidly improving conditions for the person with sinusitis. Bromelain and papain are also natural anti-swelling enzymes; however, they are not as strong as Serrapeptase.

There is one, very important key to keep in mind about the enzyme Serrapeptase. It needs to be taken on an empty stomach (no food). This allows it to get past the stomach's acid, and into the small intestines, where the alkalinity will break it down. Only Serrapeptase by Enerex is using Delayed Release caps. These caps have been clinically tested to withstand stomach acid for up to an hour; they then break down in the small intestines in 17 minutes. Most other manufacturers use a coating which is not nearly as effective. With Serrapeptase by Enerex, you don't have such a concern. 

* Products listed here can be found at

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

National Cancer Institute Proves Value of Enzymes.

Our body has the ability to kill cancer cells on its own. Macrophages, a specialized white blood cell, produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor). TNF attaches to the cancer cells. Macrophages, with the aid of neutrophils, help in the attack; in most cases, the cancer cells are killed. This is the normal process that occurs on an ongoing basis.

The uncomfortable fact is scientists estimate that most people (some 50% of the population) have this process going on in their bodies at one time or another during their lifetime, and some may have it happening on a regular basis.

Trouble arises with cancer when the body's immune system can't find the cancer, and it grows into something too large to handle; or, there is so much  protein debris, our TNF killer cells can't locate their target. According to studies, that is where enzymes seem to be a huge help. Proteolytic enzymes digest proteins, such as the proteins which cancer cells surround themselves in to build their own blood supply.

Dr. Wolf and Dr. Benitez's blend of Proteolytic enzymes has been used on over 25,000 cancer patients to improve their survival. Proteolytic enzymes, such as pancreatin, bromelain, papain, trypsin, and others, break up cellular debris (dead tissue and fibrin). Serratia peptidase, most commonly known as Serrapeptase, manufactured by Enerex Botanicals of Canada, is also a powerful Proteolytic enzyme. In fact, it is perhaps the most powerful of all the enzymes in its ability to digest scar tissue, proteins, and reduce swelling anywhere in the body. These enzymes clear away the outer coating of fibrin surrounding the cancer, thus allowing the immune system to find it.

In the most recent study by the National Cancer Institute on pancreatic cancer, of patients taking Proteolytic enzymes after being diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer, 81% lived longer than one year, as compared to those taking chemo and radiation alone where only 24% lived that long. And three years later, 35% of the Proteolytic enzyme group were still living, which is higher than the first-year survival rate for those in conventional treatment. That's a huge difference! So, why isn't this mainstream?

Well, to be mainstream, it would have to be covered by insurance. Since natural Proteolytic enzymes cannot be patented, there is no money in them. And, since they have mostly anecdotal evidence over 100 years, they lack the Phase One and Phase Two clinical trials. Plus, doctors are apprehensive to try anything not written into "proper protocols" for fear of leaving themselves open to lawsuits.

Enzymes are something you would have to seek out should you have cancer, and see if your doctor is willing to include them as part of either a natural process or with conventional therapy. Meantime, there are some things that can be done to improve your overall health, as well as make a cancer more visible to your immune system.

Serrapeptase by Enerex is an amazing product with numerous long term health benefits. Most people take it to help with pain and swelling. It is a very beneficial product for overall health, and specifically helps with a variety of conditions including arthritis, swelling, asthma, diabetes, and cancer. Serrapeptase can help improve circulation and the lymphatic system by cleaning out dead debris, which helps in returning those fluids to normal viscosity.It is particularly beneficial at digesting any scar tissue in the body and any non-living tissue (such as the fibrin that surrounds cancer and bacteria). 

On a side note, many doctors in the Northeastern United States who specialize in Lyme Disease treatment, use Serrapeptase in conjunction with their antibiotics. This is because Serrapeptase helps clear away the coating on bacteria, thus making their antibiotics more effective. 

Once in remission, Serrapeptase can be a powerful tool to help keep the cancer in remission.

Making sure cancer and bacteria are able to be seen by our immune system, provides an advantage in allowing our antibodies to attack and kill them. Taking care of your body, getting the 46 essential nutrients needed to survive, providing enzymes that assist the body along with good food choices, exercise and reduced stress, all provide the recipe for a healthy life.

Of course, should you ever be diagnosed with cancer, always seek the advice of your doctor, and coordinate any supplements you are taking with them. 

* Products listed here can be found at

Friday, June 12, 2015

Amino Acids help Regulate Insulin Secretion

Studies continue to prove the critical role of the 46 essential nutrients, with the latest studies showing the crucial role of certain amino acids in regulating insulin secretion from the pancreas.

The UCD School of Bio Molecular Science in Ireland has revealed results of in vivo and in vitro studies regarding amino acids and their role in glucose metabolism.

The study proves that amino acid metabolism is essential for normal pancreatic B-cell function. In the study, just adding an individual amino acid showed little effect on the amount of insulin secretion. However, the addition of several amino acids (in this case leucine, isoleucine, alanine, and arginine) robustly stimulated the B-cell electrical activity which is essential for insulin secretion. These are not the only amino acids to have a positive effect.

In another study the administration of leucine and phenylalanine in the presence of a protein hydrolysate, showed a three-fold increase in insulin secretion, when compared to just ingesting a carbohydrate or sugar, such as in the glucose test. This does not appear to be an excess stimulation of the pancreas, but rather a properly functioning pancreas when all the essential nutrients are present in the right dosage.

In this case, the study was about amino acids. However, the study could have centered on chromium or other essential nutrients which show insulin does not work properly when amino acids, or other essential nutrients, are in insufficient quantities in the body. This suggests that consuming amino acids through diet or supplementation may provide a significant improvement in insulin secretion, and may help the body properly balance glucose in the blood stream to prevent damage from excess sugar.

What is interesting about this study is the mechanisms of action for the amino acids to enhance release of insulin secretion, was varied and very complicated. L-arginine, for example, does so by depolarization of the plasma membrane - but only in the presence of glucose. Other amino acids can depolarize the cell membrane by activating voltage dependent calcium channels. These two examples barely touch on the various means of amino acid interactions. They do, however, underscore the importance of not only consuming the eight essential amino acids (the ones the body can't make), but of also taking in all the essential nutrients we need as adults.

Certainly more studies are needed to help identify the methods of interface for each amino acid in stimulating insulin secretion. But the results of this study do continue to prove the key role of all the essential nutrients on our overall health, and the ability to avoid life threatening or debilitating disease.

* Products listed here can be found at