Thursday, January 28, 2016

Cholesterol Has a New Friend

A new meta-analysis study published in 2015 has positive news for those with elevated cholesterol.  According to data from the studies, probiotics can lower elevated cholesterol levels.

Probiotics have been in the news recently for their ability to help the body improve its immune response, as well as help with weight issues, blood sugar, and other benefits. Now, it is also proven to help with cholesterol levels.

There are over 70 million Americans with elevated cholesterol levels, and most of them are taking dangerous statin drugs which have a multitude of side effects. Now, according the research from 11 clinical trials, consumers supplementing with probiotics reduced both the LDL (bad) and the overall cholesterol levels, over a four week period. The benefits continued, and increased, the longer one took the probiotics.

The research showed that the strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels more than any other strain of probiotic species. This happens to be one of the several human strains that are active in The Friendly Trio (manufactured by Enerex Botanicals of Canada), which is used by 30,000 hospitals and clinics around the world. Since this is the human strain, and made to withstand the heat of the human body, these active bacteria do not have to be refrigerated. They have also been clinically tested to multiply once in the digestive system.

This formula is much more effective than dairy or earth-based formulas because it stays in the acidophilus state in the upper to middle portion of the small intestines, and recolonizes there.

Take advantage of the premier probiotic on the market with the human strain proven to work and trusted around the world. Improve your overall health and immune system. Start today.

* Products listed here can be found at

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cadmium Poisoning

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has determined that cadmium and cadmium compounds are known human carcinogens. According to the U. S. Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, cadmium has been shown to cause lung cancer. The primary source for that level of cadmium poisoning is smoking tobacco and/or breathing cigarette smoke, as the tobacco plant readily takes up cadmium from the soil. For the general, non-smoking public, the main source of cadmium exposure is through the diet.  In addition, the risk of cadmium poisoning or toxicity is increased where nutritional deficiencies exist.

The presence of toxic metals in the body can cause serious health issues as they interfere with normal, healthy biologic functions. First, they can accumulate in organs and eventually impede their operation. Second, metals can supplant essential dietary minerals (such as calcium) needed in biochemical reactions. This can then impede correct enzyme activity required for proper metabolism and good health.

Normally, the levels of cadmium in the soils, water, and air of North America are not a health concern. However, many of our foods are grown, or in the case of seafood, are caught, in areas of the world where the environments do suffer from cadmium contamination. In addition, sweets, refined grains, rice, organ meats, and even instant coffee can contain cadmium. The solders used in cans for foods and drinks can leach cadmium into the contents. 

Workplace exposure occurs most often where cadmium products are made and/or used (e.g.; manufacturing batteries, smelting operations, soldering, welding, zinc refining).  Those who work in the arts and theater can be exposed to cadmium through its use in pastels, dry pigments, paints, and the coloring compounds for ceramic and pottery glazes.

One of the lesser known sources of cadmium exposure is through jewelry made overseas. The following is an excerpt from an Associated Press article reported by MSNBC in February 2010:

LOS ANGELES - Concern about the heavy metal cadmium in jewelry grew Tuesday as a California environmental group said new testing of adult necklaces and bracelets bought at three leading retailers, including Saks Fifth Avenue and Aeropostale, detected high levels of the toxic material — as much as 75 percent by weight.

…..Based on the results of its testing, the Center for Environmental Health said it would seek a ban on cadmium in all jewelry….

This report is particularly disturbing in light of the fact that much of the jewelry involved was made for children. Cadmium is particularly dangerous for children as growing bodies readily absorb substances, and cadmium accumulates in the kidneys for decades. There have been some studies done with animals which found that younger animals absorb more cadmium than adults. While this correlation has not been definitely linked to humans, the implication is nonetheless worrisome.

Besides the issue of lung damage, depending on how a person is exposed, cadmium poisoning can also result in skeletal damage (bone loss/deformation, osteoporosis), and impaired kidney function (including kidney stones). Long-term exposure has been shown to cause chronic bronchitis, gastro-intestinal disorders (including stomach pain and vomiting), and even the loss of the sense of smell.

However, symptoms of cadmium poisoning are not always so dramatic. They can be seemingly innocuous – headaches, cavities, flu-like illness – or seem totally unrelated to what we would usually associate with heavy metal toxicity – high cholesterol, arthritis, diabetes, anemia. Many of these symptoms of cadmium poisoning are often misdiagnosed and treated with medications that never really address the core issue causing the problem. As a result, one never gets better, and can spend a lot of time and money going from doctor to doctor seeking relief.

Equally, the above issues can be the result of a variety of causes totally unrelated to cadmium poisoning. What we are trying to do here is to raise your awareness of the possibilitythat metal toxicity could be the root cause of a health issue you are dealing with, and if conventional testing and treatments are not helping, it may be time to consider the possibility of cadmium poisoning.

Today, there are products available without prescription or medical affiliation that the public can purchase to help remove heavy metals from the body. Heavy Metal Detox
by Enerex Botanicals of Canada is a complex organic mineral carrier/detoxifier that acts as a detoxifier of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Essentially, it helps to remove heavy metals from the body, and helps to prevent the absorption of toxic substances, such as heavy metals and dangerous chemicals.

The bottom line is that we cannot shield ourselves from our environment and the toxins that the modern world has put into it. The best defense is to be aware of the issue and the effects it could have, and then know how to identify and treat the problem.

* Products listed here can be found at

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Is Erectile Dysfunction An Issue? STOP SMOKING!

Everyday millions of men attempt to deal with erectile dysfunction by taking prescription medication that treats the symptoms, but not the underlying issue which could be the culprit.

Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is could be a sign that you are moving closer to a heart attack and at the very least, setting yourself up for disease to take hold and propagate your body.
Why is that? Well, if you are a smoker you may know that most surgeons will not perform surgery on you if you are smoking. When it is necessary to do surgery, almost invariably those that heal the slowest or improperly are smokers.

Why is this important, and what does smoking have to do with erectile dysfunction? Smoking causes the arteries to shrink, making it more difficult to have proper blood flow to the cells of the body, or the penis in the case of erection issues. The other problem is that smoking depletes essential vitamins and minerals from the body. Many of these nutrients are essential for your cardiovascular health and longevity. If damage occurs to your arterial wall from a nutrient deficiency, (vitamin C or Silica) then cholesterol is going to form plaque (scar tissue) to protect the arteries.

Along with this problem, deficiencies in essential nutrients, like silica, can cause a loss of elasticity in your arteries. It is a fact that heart attack patients have 14 times less silica than normal. Scary, but true. Silica is essential for the elasticity and health of not only your arteries, but your skin, tendons, and bones. Clearly, depleting nutrients has not only a devastating effect on your ability to function sexually, but on your overall health in general.

If you are smoking, you currently have reduced blood flow from narrowed arteries, plaque buildup, and lack of arterial elasticity. Now, add one more problem: lack of oxygen! You know that most of us would die within four minutes without oxygen. What you may not realize is that as a result of smoking, the same thing is slowly occurring to the cells of your body. This is because the alveoli in your lungs are being coated with tar and nicotine, and therefore are not exchanging enough oxygen when you breathe. Hence, oxygen and valuable nutrients are not being transported through your narrowed and clogged arteries, including those that go to the penis.

Smoking also causes stress on your liver and other filtering organs which will ultimately cause them to operate less efficiently. This, in turn, suppresses your immune system and creates more health issues and debilitating illnesses.

If you think you can continue down the smoking path and not end up with some type of heath issue, you are sadly mistaken! Why would you take a prescription pill, with damaging side effects, when it does not address the underlying condition, which could have deadly consequences? This is one of the issues with the healthcare system today; treating the symptoms - not the underlying issues…quick temporary fixes. Doesn’t it make more sense to find the root of the problem and fix that? Only then will you be in control of your own health and any performance issues.

Therefore, stop smoking! Start eating a healthy diet of nuts, legumes, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and fish; drink clean water without chlorine; exercise to move fluids through your system, and breathe in fresh air.

Also consider the following products, manufactured by Enerex Botanicals of Canada:
  • Doing a 30-day cleanse to help clear out your colon, liver, gall bladder, and bloodstream. A good one is Clean & Repair. 
  • Taking Serrapeptase (physician strength) to clean out the scar tissue in your arteries and body.
  • Making sure to remove all the toxins from your cells by using the Fulvic and Humic acids found in Heavy Metal Detox.
  • Ensuring you get all the 46 essential nutrients into your system every day that the body can’t make. Read the SONA Study to find out what those are, and how to get the right quantities into your system. See the SONA Multi Vitamin that is based on the results of that study.
Just think how much money you will save every year on your insurance payments! Smokers pay a higher premium. Consider how much you pay in taxes, every week, for those cigarettes! Do you really want to live with disease and fall into a state of ill health for the last 40 years of your life?

You have an opportunity to rewrite your health future. Take hold of your health now. If you don’t take time to be healthy now, you will be forced to take time later when you become ill. Remember, erectile dysfunction is only a sign of a greater potential problem. Don’t overlook those signs!

* Products listed here can be found at

Thursday, January 7, 2016

How I Would Deal With Cancer

I understand how painful and exhausting chemotherapy and radiation can be, as well as choosing to not continue such treatments. I also realize how devastated your immune system would be at this point, and that you must attempt to rebuild it.
As I have mentioned many times before, unless someone is a medical doctor, they are not allowed to give medical advice - even if the advice is good for you. What I can do is tell you what I would do should I ever have cancer, or even a pre-cancerous growth again.
Following is a brief description of what my journey would be in such a situation.
If I had the financial means, I would go out of this country for alternative treatment at one of the many institutions that practice whole body healing. However, if such a journey was not an option and alternative care wasn’t available, I would then have to undertake the task myself, hopefully with the support of loved ones. Attitude is going to play a key role in my ability to heal myself. Faith and spirituality have to be part of any healing protocol. All the work I will do on detoxing and nutrition will be wasted if I am not de-stressed and moving forward with positive thoughts.
Before any kind of healing can occur within the body I need to make sure that all the elimination channels are open and working properly. That includes the five main elimination channels: liver, lungs, colon, kidney, and skin. My body will be unable to remove toxins or purify my blood and lymphatic system if I do not have open channels of elimination.
The fastest way I know to open the colon, as well as purge the liver and gall bladder, is a high organic coffee enema. Most people prefer to drink their coffee, but unfortunately the best use is as an enema.  This also helps to stimulate the bile ducts. In addition, I would use a great colon-stimulating herbal formula - one that also addresses the liver and gall bladder would be helpful. It is important to keep the colon open. A 30-day cleanse product called Clean & Repair is a good one, but there are a few others on the market.
In order to open and stimulate the kidney, liver, and lungs, I would be drinking red clover tea with the following tinctures added: milk thistle and dandelion root to repair and rebuild the liver; lobelia and fenugreek to dry excess mucous from the lungs and open the bronchial tubes; and finally, goldenrod and horsetail to disinfect the kidneys and bladder. These are all tinctures that should be available in a in a quality health food store.
To open the skin, there are a combination of techniques to be used. Hydrotherapy is a great choice, and could be done two or three times a day. This consists of a 10-second hot shower, followed by 10 seconds of cold. Finish with cold. It is definitely a shocker to the system, but a powerful way to stimulate the nervous system and skin. This is then followed with a solution of Bragg’s Apple cider vinegar (about 3 to 4 ounces in a gallon of distilled water) to be brushed lightly over the skin with a sponge as a stimulant. This will open the pores of the skin to breathe. Dry brushing each morning, starting at the outermost extremities and working towards the heart, to stimulate both the lymphatic and circulatory systems will prove very beneficial. A (radiant) sauna to raise my core temperature and open the skin pores is also helpful.
As you may be aware, with cancer, the body does not raise its temperature like a typical infection. Anything we can do to enhance that process will improve our immune system. A hot bath and taking in stimulating tea with cayenne pepper will really raise your temperature. An Epsom salt bath is also a powerful aid at opening the pores. We take in a lot of oxygen through our skin when it is functioning properly – and cancer hates oxygen!
I need to sure my blood and lymphatic systems are clean. A red clover tea, three times a day with Stillingia Root, will do the trick. There is also a product made in Canada by Enerex Botanicals called Serrapeptase that will clean all dead tissue out of the body and reduce tissue swelling. I would use the 120,000 IU strength. It is the strongest dosage currently available.
There is also a blend of Fulvic and Humic acids that studies have shown give tremendous results at helping to pull toxins out of the body. For this, there are several products, but the best one is Enerex’s HeavyMetal Detox. It will also carry minerals and oxygen to every cell. Increasing oxygen is a critical factor for healing. It is one of the reasons I would do my best to exercise outside. The inside air is polluted by dust, chemicals, etc., plus the body needs sunshine. I need to pull as much oxygen as possible into my system to help move fluids through my body. If available, an Ozone machine would force oxygen into my system. (However, in most states this type of ‘therapy’ is only permitted in the privacy of the home, not at outside facilities.)
Once the body is clean, I have to nourish all the cells and rebuild my immune system. With cancer, especially if there is chemo and/or radiation involved, you have a severely depressed immune system. So that all my energy can be used for healing, I would only be taking in organic vegetable juice that I blend with super foods to make sure I get all the 46 essential nutrients into my system daily. Take in plenty of pure water.
My organic juice would include the following: carrots, beets, spinach, celery, cabbage, broccoli, 2 raw garlic gloves, and as much cayenne pepper as I can tolerate, along with a tablespoon of Enerex Greens
Use a pill crusher to take their SONA Multi Vitamin (or equivalent) with the drink at least 3 times a day. It will be best to sip the juice throughout the day, but as soon as possible after juicing. Local fresh vegetables are preferable as they will have a higher nutrient content.
*As you may have noted, my personal choice for supplements are the products made in Canada, most particularly by Enerex Botanicals. I believe they make a better product than those found here in the States (where every company seems to be more concerned about money and profit than quality of their product.)*
Once cleansed and feeling better, I would then progress to solid vegetables. There would NO processed foods of any kind in my diet. It is also critical to take in the Essential Oils, such as a quality Omega 3-6-9 product.
Once I feel my strength returning, I would add fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and legumes.  I would not add any grains at this time, or any animal protein - and certainly not dairy.
I would then continue this program until my body has healed itself.
There are hundreds of people around the country that claim to have found a single item that is the cure for disease such as cancer. Please don’t fall for all the self-promoting gimmicks. As we have discussed before, only your own body is capable of healing itself. You just have to remove the toxins in it, and then give it the right tools to work with - oxygen, water, nutrition, exercise, rest, and hope. The miracle is that your body knows what to do. We just give it too many challenges to overcome with our toxic world and nutritionally dead foods.

* Products listed here can be found at