Friday, February 13, 2015

5 Keys to Reducing Inflammation

There are at least 5 keys to reducing inflammation that everyone should be aware of as they can greatly impact your susceptibility to disease. In fact, if you look at almost any disease, inflammation is part of the very description of the disease: Liver disease - inflammation of the liver; Asthma - inflammation of the airways; Arthritis - inflammation of the joint. This is true for almost every disease known. This makes finding key ways to reducing inflammation a critical part of your healthy lifestyle.

As a rule, the majority of us have a tendency to visit the doctor, and end up getting a prescription filled for each disease we are dealing. But they may well be solved with a little effort on controlling inflammation. Consider consider the potential danger in this type of thinking, as over 100,000 people (more than one per minute) die from prescription drugs side-effects, and over 35% of those who take over-the-counter NSAIDS or pain killers, end up with ulcers or stomach lesions.

Based on United States statistics, heart disease and cancer are the top two killers. However, while not actually cited on the death certificate, Diabetes may have a hand in both of these diseases. I mention this since elevated blood sugar levels is tied directly to the increase in heart disease, and is a better indicator of  heart attack risk than the ever popular cholesterol theory. And cancer has now been directly correlated with elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. In all of these diseases inflammation has been directly linked to the illness.

So, what are some keys to reducing inflammation which could actually have a positive impact on overall health? To begin with, over the years our diets have changed so much that reverting to a healthier diet will have a huge impact on inflammation. In addition, it has now been proven (no surprise here) that genes and their expression are greatly impacted by our diet. Below are five suggestions which, over time, should have a positive impact on your health, and certainly on inflammation and subsequent diseases connected with it. Much like preventing a car accident, is much more effective than dealing with the aftermath, so to is taking steps to improve your health, and letting your immune system and lifestyle prevent disease.

1. Reduce intake of saturated and trans fats often used in frying foods, and baked goods as well as many margarines (believe it or not, real butter is a much healthier choice). Increase intake of the essential oils in the right ratio for health. This would include taking a supplement, such as Omega 3,6,9 by Pharma Defense, or it equivalent. The formula needs to have a blend of sources, as many people do not have the right enzymes to convert some of the oil into usable forms.

2. Reduce your intake of acid-forming foods. There are plenty of charts available that identify alkaline versus acidic. It has been shown that acidic foods contribute to inflammation. In addition to making better food choices, you can also improve your acid/alkaline balance by drinking alkaline water. If you don't have access to alkaline water, it is easy enough to make on your own. Using a product called Aqualyte, add one pouch to one-half gallon of water. This alkalizes the water and removes bacteria and dangerous chlorine, making your bottled or tap water much healthier.

3. In order to provide you body what it needs to build healthy cells, you need to take in the right essential nutrients. The longest running study* ever conducted to determine what the body needs for optimal health, identified 46 essential nutrients. Studies now confirm that genes which replicate cells in gene expression, are affected by our diet and these essential nutrients. If you don't provide your body what it needs to build healthy cells, the result will be damaged cells. Those damaged cells can then impact how your body responds to inflammation and disease, as well as affect our critical immune system. Organic vitamin/mineral blends (see the SONA Vitamin, made by Enerex Botanicals of Canada, and formulated based on the aforementioned study), as well as the essential oils mentioned above, and 8 key amino acids we need as adults, are mandatory to for optimal health. The amino acids can be obtained through a healthy diet, or in Greens Berry or Raw Phyto Proteins (a great vegan protein supplement, available in Chocolate and Vanilla flavors), all by Enerex .

4. We have to eat more fiber. fiber not only cleans out our digestive system preventing toxic build up that can cause allergies and inflammation, but it feeds our healthy flora (good bacteria) responsible for a great part of our immune system. If our immune system is compromised it can lead to an open invitation for disease and inflammation.

5. Natural inflammation fighters. There are some proven natural inflammation fighters that do not come with the side effects of drugs. Some are actually more effective than many of the drugs prescribed. What's funny is that most of the drugs often prescribed today got their start as natural products but were modified in order to get a patent. Once chemically altered they have negative effects in the body in addition to the intended benefit. Some of the ingredients with a great deal of research include hops (perluxan), curcumin (turmeric) serrapeptase (serratia enzyme), boswellia, devil's claw, pine bark (Enzogenol), CBD (cannabidiol), and certain algae. Isohumulones from hops also has studies showing anti-inflammatory properties, but it is best used as a tool for sugar balance and is found in Diabetes Defense. Some of the many ingredients can be found in stand alone products such as Enerex's Serrapeptase (I prefer the 120,000U formula by Enerex), or curcumin. Most of the above can be found in a product sold for fast acting pain, but that really has all these powerful anti-inflammatories in it. It is called Pain X and is also made by Enerex.

Changing your diet, reducing stress, avoiding sugary beverages, and taking a few powerful natural products (as well as the essential nutrients you need to build healthy cells) are all key to not only helping your body deal with inflammation, but in having a dramatic, long-term benefit on how you feel, and your health in general. And there are your 5 keys to reducing inflammation.

* The Suggested Optimal Nutrient Allowance (SONA) Study, conducted over a 15-year period, resulting in a 49,000 page report on the levels of nutrients the body needs daily for optimal health.

** Products listed here can be found at