Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Degenerative Conditions & Deficiencies

In the simplest of terms, cancer is a destructive growth of cells, often resulting in death. Each day, over 1,500 people are killed by this disease that is most prominent in the modern, everyday population, leading credibility to the idea that it is caused by nutritional deficiencies and environmental factors.

Current medical treatments severely depress the body's natural immune system, and many people actually die from the treatment rather than the disease. It is clear, then, that staying healthy and avoiding the disease is the best way to deal with it.

It is important to begin any health protocol by making sure you are getting all of the 45 essential nutrients your body needs. We recommend the following products, most of which are made by Enerex Botanicals of Canada:

SONA MULTI VITAMIN: Multi vitamin, mineral, enzyme - Optimal levels of essential nutrients. (formulated based on research from the multi-million dollar SONA (Suggested Optimal Nutrient Allowances) Study.
     1 tablet, 3 times per day
OMEGA 3-6-9: Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil, Wild Fish Oils - Important source of essential fatty acids necessary for the health and maintenance of all cells; improves immune function
     1 capsule, 3 times per day

In addition to SONA MULTI VITAMINS and OMEGA 3-6-9, the following supplements, in conjunction with a healthy diet, have been clinically proven in human studies to have a positive effect on your health:

BIO C-500: Ascorbic Acid, Bioflavonoids - Stimulates the immune system, detoxifies the body, helps strengthen mucus membranes.
     1 tablet, 3 times per day

GREENS - Improves the body’s pH balance.  Great source of plant nutrients. Helps to reduce inflammation and improves energy levels. Probiotic culture in the formula is important for digestion and immune function.
     10g serving, one to three times per day

HEAVY METAL DETOX - Aids in removing toxic heavy metals and other chemicals that accumulate in the body that may affect the immune response.
     1 capsule, one to three times per day

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - Powerful antioxidant; detoxifier; building block for glutathione, an important metabolic enzyme.
     1 caplet, two to three times per day

SERRAPEPTASE  120,000 I.U. - Acts as a powerful anti-swelling, anti-pain supplement.  Digests fibrin, a protective coating around cancer cells that disables immune cells from destroying cancerous growths.  Helps dissolve other dead debris in the body.  Improves circulation, thereby improving the transport of nutrients to the cells.
     1 to 3 capsules, per day – on an empty stomach

* Products listed here can be found at

Look, Feel, and Live Younger!

  • Eat more local, organically grown plant foods.
  • Healthy eating requires an abundance of dark green, leafy, and brightly colored vegetables, fruits, and other naturally high fiber foods in your diet - such as legumes, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
  • Try to ensure that you are consuming at least 60% to 75% raw food.
  • Reduce and balance your fat intake. Research shows it is best to keep your daily intake of fat calories under 20% to 25%, with saturated fats to less than 10% of the daily total (the national average is 42%!).
  • Be sure to include seeds, nuts, and legumes as a good source of polyunsaturated fats and the essential omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
  • Drink enough pure, clean water. Adequate water is essential. It improves digestion, transports nutrients, and helps to eliminate toxins.
  • Replace other drinks with purified water and herbal teas. Consider adding Aqualyte and/or Ionyte, mineral and electrolyte enhancers, to your drinking water. 
  • Take high quality nutritional supplements.
  • Numerous studies show that the optimal amounts of vitamins (see The Suggested Optimal Nutrient Allowance - or SONA - Study), minerals, phyto-nutrients, and essential fatty acids can help you feel better, prevent disease, and slow down the aging process. The SONA Multi VitaminOMEGA 3-6-9, and GREENS, all manufactured by Enerex Botanicals of Canada, provide the foundation for optimal health.
  • Exercise moderately and sensibly. A brisk daily walk is better than strenuous high impact aerobics. Also, light weight-training helps keep your bones strong. One of the best overall ways to exercise is on a mini trampoline. A zero-impact exercise, a trampoline provides many benefits for you and your body. 
  • Eliminate all refined and packaged foods. Highly processed foods are full of empty calories. They fill you up (and fill you out!), but are dangerous to your health and well-being.
  • Limit your sodium intake. Too much salt throws your minerals off balance, causes excess water retention, and may lead to high blood pressure.  Use unrefined sea salt when necessary.
  • Get adequate sleep. Sleep is a basic human need - as important for good health as diet and exercise.  "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."  Benjamin Franklin was right on target.
  • Eliminate negative habits - give up excess caffeine and other stimulants, reduce your alcohol intake, and if you smoke, QUIT!
  • Replace bad habits with healthy new ones.
  • Manage the stress in your life. B STRESS FREE by Enerex is a scientifically formulated product to protect your body from the effects of all forms of stress. Take whatever steps are necessary to reduce stress and create a balanced life. 
  • According to Abraham Lincoln, "Most people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."  Make up your mind to appreciate the good things in your life and have an attitude of gratitude.
* Products listed here can be found at