Monday, April 18, 2016

FATTY LIVER: A Direct Path to Insulin Resistance and Diabetes

It has been generally accepted that insulin resistance is the number one cause of rising blood sugar levels in the United States. Insulin resistance simply means your body requires more insulin to bring your blood sugar levels back down into the normal range. Insulin resistance is a precursor to becoming Prediabetic and Diabetic.

But there is something else that occurs during this time of rising insulin resistance which most people are unaware of. It is called “Fatty Liver.” If the condition worsens, it can become a disease known as “Fatty Liver Disease.”  Fatty liver is just what the name implies – the liver becomes clogged with fats which once in your liver, become very difficult to remove.

For a long time the medical world thought that consuming fats caused insulin resistance. However, we now know it is the consumption of simple carbohydrates and sugar which increase triglycerides that raises insulin resistance.  Even worse, the consumption of fructose (corn syrup) causes fats to be deposited in your liver, also raising your insulin resistance. So now you have not only a higher insulin resistance, but a clogged liver. The liver is responsible for over ninety functions in the body; it is therefore crucial not to impair its function. Studies show that the more intracellular fat you have in your liver, the more insulin resistant you are likely to become.

Why is the increased insulin resistance such a big deal? Insulin resistance and elevated sugar levels have been connected to nearly every disease and health crisis known: Cancer, Alzheimer, Diabetes, Heart Attack, Strokes, poor immune response, and premature aging.

So why are fatty liver and insulin resistance occurring at epidemic rates - and what can you do about it? Most of the problems can be traced to flawed diet advice, coupled with clever but misleading marketing by the food industry. However, there is also a lack of will power in our food choices, and we as Americans simply eat an excessive amount of food.

As well as limiting the amount of starches and sugars you consume, and reducing the overall quantity of food eaten, there is one ingredient that has shown the ability to not only reduce insulin resistance, but also help clear the fats out of your liver. It is called Humulone, a specialized hops extract.

Humulones consist of three special molecules of the hops flower and has been tested extensively over the past twenty years.

According to double-blind clinical trials, Humulone has the ability to lower blood glucose by improving insulin resistance, while also metabolizing the fat in the liver. These were independent studies done on Prediabetics and Type II Diabetics, and published in peer reviewed medical journals.

When you also consider the proven results of Humulone to lower triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, reduce body mass (belly fat), and the ability to help repair the kidneys, you are looking at a very unique and special ingredient.

Currently, Humulone is contained in a product called Diabetes Defense which is now available at many doctors’ offices, some specialty vitamin stores, and on-line. Another unique feature of the product is that it is a very powerful anti-oxidant, and it only requires one 100mg capsule per day for most people to see results.

If you can start to modify your diet, exercise, drink water instead of junk beverages, and take a special product like Diabetes Defense, you may just be able to reduce or eliminate the risk of developing one of the deadliest health issues of our generation.

* This product may be purchased online through

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